The old man unhooked the fish, rebaited the line with another sardine and tossed it over. Then he worked his way slowly back to the bow. He was hed his left hand and wiped it on his trousers. Then he shifted the heavy line from his right hand to his left and was hed his right hand in the sea while he watched the sun go into the ocean and the slant of the big cord.
这里描写的是老人与鱼僵持时的几个简单动作。就其用词来说,这段文字所用的动词和名词没有一个大词。从动词来看,这一段共9个词:unhook、rebait、toss、work、wash、wipe、shift、wash和watch。它们不仅短小,而且描述的都是实实在在的可操作的动作。就其句型来说,出现在这一段的所有句子采用的都是“主 谓语 宾语”的主动语态句型,也就是he-does—something这种句型。主语是the old man 和指代老人的he;谓语以使役动词为主。由于使役动词的基本意义是指一个动作发生并且完成,因而,它的基本意义就是动作的执行者做一件事,还使每一个动作都产生预期的结果。
And the God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so.(1∶7)
And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind, and God saw it was good.(1∶21)
And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and God saw that it was good.(1∶25)
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of his life; and man became a living soul.(2∶7)
And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.(2∶8)
这些句子描述的都是上帝创造世界和世间万物的行动。从使用的动词来看,皆以短小的使役动词为主,如make、create、form、plant、put等。这些句子的基本结构更是同《老人与海》如出一辙,都是“动作执行者 使役动词 宾语”。比如描写上帝的God made the firmament, God create great whales等等。这些动作都有执行者(上帝或老人),也都有行为的结果。上帝和老人所做的事不同,所达到的结果也不一样,但无论在何处,这种句型都能暗示出动作的执行者可以控制自己的行动,并使之产生预期的结果。
上帝以其无可匹敌的物质和精神力量主宰自己的行动,以种种伟大的(但不是具体的)行动使他希望存在于世上的事物诞生。而老人桑提亚哥虽然只是普通人,但当海明威大量使用he—does—something句型来描述他的行为时,便赋予他一种力量—— 一种做每件事都能产生一个实实在在结果的力量。这些动作及其结果与上帝的相比固然微不足道,但当它们(he—does—something句型)遍布在作品的每一个角落时,便汇集成一种巨大的行动力量。