Zechariah Chapter 3

Fourth vision: the Messiah comes soon

1 He showed me then the high priest Joshua standing before the Angel of Yahweh. At Joshua¡¯s right side stood Satan, ready to accuse him.

2 But the angel of Yahweh said to Satan, ¡°May Yahweh rebuke you, Satan! Yahweh who has chosen Jerusalem ¨C may he rebuke you! Is not this man a burning brand snatched from the fire?¡±

3 Clad in filthy garments, Joshua stood before the Angel,

4 who said to those in front of him, ¡°Take off his filthy garments.¡± Then turning to Joshua, he said, ¡°See, I have taken away your guilt. Now I will clothe you with rich gar ments.¡±

5 He added, ¡°Put a clean turban on his head.¡± So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, as the Angel of Yahweh looked on.

6 The Angel of Yahweh gave Jo shua this assurance,

7 ¡°Listen to this word of Yahweh Sabaoth: ¡®If you walk in my ways and heed my charge, you shall rule my house and keep my courts, and I will give you free access among those standing here.

8 Listen further, O high priest Joshua and your associates who join in council with you: I am going to bring my servant the Branch.

9 See, I am setting (before Joshua) a stone with seven eyes. I myself will engrave an inscription on it, and I will remove the guilt of this land in a single day.

10 On that day, you will invite one another under your vines and fig trees.¡¯ This is what Yahweh Sabaoth says.¡±


Comments Zechariah, Chapter 3

• 3.1 This new vision of the high priest, Joshua, seems to predict the renewal of the priesthood. In the beginning, Joshua is identified with the whole people, sad and in mourning to atone for sin. Later Joshua is alone and announces the future priesthood, that of Christ, appointed by God as the mediator between him and humankind.

The Branch (v. 8). This name was to designate the Messiah. However, let us take note of 6:12; this last text perhaps referred at first to Zerubbabel, descendant of kings (see Acts 2:21 and Mt 1:12). But Zerubbabel later fell into oblivion and power passed to the priests. The text was, no doubt, altered in favor of the high priest. From then on, for many Jews the Messiah would be of priestly origin.