Sirach Chapter 38

The doctor

1 Give due honor to the doc tor, for you need him and God himself established him.

2 Healing, in fact, comes from the Most High; the gift of healing comes from the Sovereign.

3 The doctor¡¯s expertise gives him prestige and wins for him the admiration of the powerful.

4 The Lord created the medicinal herbs which grow on the earth, and these a sensible person will not de spise.

5 Remember that he used a sim ple wooden rod to purify water and so make known his power to everyone.

6 It is he who gives knowledge to humans so that his power be glorified;

7 the doctor uses it to heal and comfort, the chemist to make his mix tures.

8 In that way the Lord¡¯s work never ceases and well-being prevails on the earth.

9 My son, when you are sick do not be anxious; pray to the Lord to heal you.

10 Give up bad habits, keep your hands unsoiled, and purify your heart from all sin.

11 Offer incense and a memorial gift of fine flour and rich offerings ac cord ing to your means.

12 Then consult the doctor; remember that he was established by the Lord, so do not dis regard him ¨C you need him.

13 There are cases when good health depends on doctors.

14 They, too, will pray to the Most High to grant them success in healing in order to save life.

15 May he who sins before his Maker, fall into the hands of the doctor!


16 My son, weep for the dead, lament to express your sorrow and bury the dead with fitting ceremony, and do not fail to honor his tomb.

17 Weep bitterly, cry out with full voice, and observe the period of mourning in accordance with the merits of the de ceased. Let it be for one or two days, and so avoid criticism, and then be consoled in your grief.

18 For sorrow may lead to death and a dejected heart loses its vitality.

19 Let your affliction cease with the funeral; a life of sorrow is intolerable.

20 Do not let your heart give way to grief; bear up and think of your own end.

21 Remember! There is no coming back, you do the dead no good, but rather harm yourself.

22 Keep in mind my sentence which will be yours as well: mine yesterday, yours today!

23 When the dead person is at rest, let his memory be one of peace; be comforted on his account once his spirit has departed.

Craftsmen and wise men

24 A law student acquires wisdom during his leisure hours; free from business he is capable of becoming wise.

25 How can the man who guides a plow be come wise, he whose pride lies in snapping a whip and driving a bullock, who works continually and talks of nothing but cattle?

26 His heart is set on plowing furrows and all his attention is given to fattening heifers.

27 It is the same for all craftsmen and skilled workers who toil day and night, professional engravers and de signers of seals. All are intent on creating different designs and reproducing the model, and they work even at night in order to succeed.

28 So, too, is the smith standing beside the anvil intent on forging iron; his face is scorched by flames from the fire and he struggles in the heat of the furnace; the clang of the hammer is deafening; his eyes are fixed on the model to be copied, he makes every effort to work well and spends time at night in bring ing his task to perfection.

29 It is the same for the potter seated at his work, his foot turning the wheel, always concentrating on what he is molding, every movement purposefully controlled.

30 His arm kneads the clay, his feet make it pliable. All his attention is needed in applying the glaze and at night he sees to the cleaning of the furnace.

31 All these craftsmen depend on their hands for gaining skill in their different crafts.

32 Without them a city could not be built; no settlers or travelers would come to it.

33 But they are not to be found in the councils of people, nor do their words carry weight in an assembly. They do not occupy the judge¡¯s seat and they are not familiar with the Law.

34 They are not cultured people or skilled in judgment and they are not found among authors of proverbs.
They uphold creation and civilization, and their prayer is in their life¡¯s work.


Comments Sirach, Chapter 38

• 38.1 We must pray to be healed of a disease, but without neglecting the help of doctors as some people do. This is clearly stated in the Bible.