Isaiah Chapter 56
God calls everyone

1 This is what Yahweh says:
Maintain what is right
and do what is just,
for my salvation is close at hand,
my justice is soon to come.

2 Blessed is the mortal who does these things, and perseveres in them, who does not defile the sabbath and who refrains from evil.

3 Let no foreigner say, ¡°Surely Yahweh will exclude me from his people.¡± Neither let the castrated man say, ¡°I have become a mere dry tree.¡±

4 For this is what Yahweh says: To the castrated men who keep my sabbaths, who choose to do what pleases me and remain faithful to my covenant:

5 I will give them in my house and within its walls, a memorial and a name that are worth more than sons and daughters; I will give them a name that will never die away or be forgotten.

6 Yahweh says to the foreigners who join him, serving him and loving his name, keeping his sabbath unprofaned and remaining faithful to his covenant:

7 I will bring them to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. I will ac cept on my altar their burnt offerings and sacrifices, for my house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations.

8 Thus says the Lord God, Yahweh, who gathers the exiles of Israel: There are others I will gather besides those already gathered.


9 All you wild beasts, come and de vour, all you beasts of the forests!

10 Blind are Israel¡¯s watchmen: they all see nothing. They are dumb watchdogs they are unable to bark. Lying down and dreaming, they love to slumber.

11 Greedy dogs that are never satisfied; shepherds of no discretion, they all turn their own way, everyone of them to his own gain.

12 ¡°Come, bring wine,¡± they say, ¡°and let us all get drunk, and tomorrow will be as today, or perhaps even a happier day.¡±


Comments Isaiah, Chapter 56

• 56.1 The Jewish law ¨C reflecting the thinking of the times ¨C excluded foreigners in certain circumstances, as well as eunuchs, (castrated men) from their religious assemblies.

The proph et re veals that such exclusion is not endorsed by God.

In 56:9-13 we have poems against the leaders of Judah and against idolatry.