Isaiah Chapter 16

1 Like bewildered birds
cast out of their nests,
the daughters of Moab
stay at the fords of Arnon.

2 From Sela, across the wilderness,
they send lambs to the mount of Zion:
are they not the rulers of the land?

3 They say: ˇ°Take counsel,
render decision with justice.
Even at high noon
let your shade be like the night
to hide the fugitives.
Do not betray the refugees.

4 Let the outcasts from Moab
sojourn among you;
be a refuge to them
against the destroyer.ˇ±
(When the oppressor is no more
and the destruction is over
and those who trample the land
underfoot have gone,

5 a throne will be established
steadfast in love.
One from the House of David,
for the sake of truth will sit on it;
he will administer justice swiftly
and judge the people righteously.)

6 We have heard of the pride of Moab,
of her arrogance and insolence,
of her empty pretensions.

7 Let her wail then,
and let everyone wail for her.
Mourn for the raisin-cakes of Kirha re seth.

8 The fields of Heshbon languish,
the vines of Sibmah wither.
The tyrants of the nations
have trampled down the choicest vines,
those that once reached Jazer,
spreading towards the desert,
stretching out as far as the sea.

9 Therefore I weep as Jazer weeps
for the vines of Sibmah.
I drench you, O Heshbon,
O Elealeh, with my tears!
For over your fruit and your vintage
have been heard loud battle cheers.

10 But they are gone: joy and gladness
have now vanished from your or chards.
In the vineyards
no more singing is heard,
no more shout of joy is raised.
In the winepresses
no foot treads out wine,
no voice shouts in exultation,
no heart sings a vintage song.

11 Like a lyre, therefore,
my soul moans for Moab;
my heart pines for Kir-areseth.

12 When Moab appears on the high places,
she will only grow weary;
when she goes to pray at the sanctuary,
it will be to no avail.

13 This is the word which Yahweh spoke against Moab in the past. But

14 now Yahweh says, ˇ°Within three years, like the years of a servant bound by contract, the glorious power of Moab will have ceased to command respect, her survivors will be very few and feeble.ˇ±